

Testimonials appearing on this site are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our product in some way or another. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products.


Name: Shadow

Issue:15 Year old Dog with severe arthritis in leg


Issue: Compulsive chewing injury of tail

– from Palm Beach, FL

Name: Keeley

Issue: Allergies

“This is my 9 year old Jack Russell Terrier, Keeley. She started with allergies at 10 months old. I spent hundreds of dollars on allergy tests to determine what she was allergic to. Turns out she is allergic to dust, dust mites, and grass! She was on allergy shots every 2 weeks that I administered for about 4 years before I didn’t feel they were really working. Then she went on steroids every other day for another 4 years which weren’t good for her kidneys. For the last year I have given her chlortabs every other day which did help with the itching but made her lethargic. I got my laser in May of this year and started lasering her underbelly twice a day. As of now, as long as I laser her twice a day, she is like a different dog!!! She does scratch or chew occasionally like any dog, but she is happy, peppy, and pretty much itch free!!! Wish I had taken a picture of her before I started lasering, but you can see from this picture that her coat looks good and she is a very happy dog! I absolutely LOVE the Lifeshield Laser! I thank you and Keeley thanks you!” -Randi S. from New Orleans, LA

Name: Schmutz

Issue: Elevated Liver Enzymes for over 5 years

Schmutz-service dog
“The photo is of my dog, Schmutz, a 15 ½ year old Cairn Terrier. It was taken at Starbucks. Because Schmutz is certified as a Service Dog, he is allowed to accompany me into any establishment. We were sitting in the window seat on a very warm day and the server brought Schmutz a glass of water and a napkin. You can see in the photo how clear his eyes are and how much energy he has. His liver enzymes had been elevated for at least 5 years and he was really starting to show signs of aging about 1 ½ to 2 years ago. I started to laser all of his food and water about 6 months ago and when he went into the Vet’s office for his yearly check-up, the Vet questioned how old he was and kept referring to his records all during the examination. He said, “This is not the dog I examined last year. He looks and acts like a puppy.” When his blood work came back, his liver enzymes were in the normal range for the first time in almost 6 years. The Vet said that he could easily see him reaching 20. The Life Shield Laser is an amazing product!!” -Sandi T from New York City, NY

Name: Peaches

Issue: Leg immobility

“My dog Peaches has been having problems with steps and losing her balance for about a month. As she is almost 15yrs old, not doing too bad until last week when she kept falling on her face while trying to climb the stairs to our bedroom. She follows me where ever I go, and we started carrying her up steps and out of the car. I had taken her to visit our Vet for a growth on her leg, he wrapped it and also checked her back legs and said no pain pills were needed , she never cried out and her movement seemed fine. She now rarely moved and slept most of the time. Dr Knell sent me the laser and I applied it to her back legs and over the growth on her front paw. Day two she was able to go up the steps slowly. Today, day three, she is back to herself again. She was dancing before being taken outside and jumped up a double step by the lake where I walked with her. This was an amazing morning for Peach and I am thrilled that the laser was able to relieve her pain. She has watched over me all these years, and I want to give her the best I can for her Golden Years. Thank you for bringing this laser into our lives.”
– Kandis L from Westlake Village, California


Bean Sprout Growth

home grown bean sprouts
“These are a batch of my latest bean sprouts. This is from the early stages of germination. Both piles started from the same pouch of seeds, and developed on the same shelf, side-by-side. At this stage, I had been soaking the sprouts, and flushing with clean water daily. I treated the water for the left container with the LifeShield Laser . Look at the difference!”


rose treatment
“I received a floral arrangement six days ago. As they began to wither, I took out the two roses and put them on my mantle. Every two days I would change the water. I treated each refill on the right rose with my LifeShield Laser .”

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